
Exclusive: Life On The Sideline EP announcement, music video premiere

Since releasing Honesty Is A Dying Breed two years ago, Life On The Sideline has remained active on the road and is now ready to unveil its upcoming EP, Never Settle. To kick things off, we're premiering the music video for the band's new single, "Echo", which tells the sad story of a young girl reminiscing times spent with her deceased partner. While not a pop punk song per se, it's as catchy as one with an infectious chorus that you'll inevitably get stuck in your head. The band's sound could be compared to that of Transit's and The Early November's. Fans can pre-order the EP on iTunes and CD here, before it's released on June 7th. […]

Friday, March 11, 2011

Exclusive: Same As Sunday Interview

Here's another exclusive interview, especially for our followers, with Chris Bauchle of the Pop Punk/Easycore band, Same As Sunday. Really hope you guys enjoy this one, I'm giving it my all in tailoring these interviews as best as I can for the artist. If you'd like to let us know what you think, hit us up on Facebook, Twitter, or Tumblr.

So who's gonna be taking part in the interview and what do you do in the band?

Chris: Chris, I sing and play guitar.

Firstly, I wanna ask where the band's name comes from - I've always been curious.

Chris: The four of us have always felt strongly about living every single day as if it could be your last. Sunday seems to be the day that most people are off work, go to church, spend time with family and friends, and make an effort to get their lives squared away for the following week. I feel like that's how we'd live if we knew a particular day was going to be our last. We want to encourage people to live every day the Same As Sunday.

That's actually a really cool explanation - not sure how I didn't think of it!

The band's sound has changed significantly, in your 2 most recent EPs, since your earlier releases [Farewell For Awhile EP, Anthems From A Standing Eight] - was this a concious decision or did it just came naturally?

Chris: The evolution of our sound has been completely natural. We never really set out to be a part of a certain genre, or anything like that. We've always written the songs we wanted to write and said exactly what we wanted to say. It's kind of interesting to see how our influences have changed and how we've grown and matured as musicians over the years.

Same As Sunday's sound and lyrics definitely stand out from many other Pop Punk/Easycore bands. However, the lyrics can be quite lighthearted at times, which has always reminded me of some earlier blink-182 stuff - what're the band's main influences and inspirations when writing?

Chris: Bands like Blink, New Found Glory, Relient K, and Sum 41 are definitely huge influences for me personally. One of my favorite things about our band, though, is that we all have relatively different tastes in music. For instance, Nick grew up on hair metal, while Andy played drums in a Death Metal band before joining SAS.

Chris, what was it like being away from home, and the band, when you were deployed to Asia while serving for the US Air Force, late last year? How much outside communication did you have?

Chris: It was definitely tricky. I typically had access to email a couple times each week. That was our primary source of communication. For me, the hardest part was being on the other side of the world while the guys were back here busting their butts with all of the post-production for our new EP. We were able to make it work though. It's certainly good to be back!

Last year you guys also recorded a Christmas jam [Up On The Housetop] that was featured on our holiday compilation - what made you choose this song to cover, in particular?

Chris: We just made a list of our favorite Christmas songs and narrowed it down. We couldn't decide between Up On The Housetop and Do You Hear What I Hear, so we turned it into a medley of sorts. Our buddy Cole Wallace was kind enough to scream on it and that was that!

This year you guys have been stepping up your game, landing shows with bands like Four Year Strong and The Wonder Years - have these offers landed in your laps, so to speak, or have you been aiming for them?

Chris: I'd have to say a little bit of both. It's always a privilege to bring bands like that to Indianapolis. We are stoked out of our minds for the FYS show on 5/9. I can't remember the last time they've played a venue show here in the city!

Though it wasn't your first, how much fun was filming the video for Roads? Where We're Going, We Don't Need Roads.?

Chris: The video shoot was absolutely ridiculous! We put word out about the video to our hometown crew the day before the shoot. Tons of people were able to make it out and be a part of the band/crowd shots. Indianapolis has always had our back and it was awesome to be able to represent that in the video.

Now that it's been a few months since the Earn Your Stripes EP came out, do you guys have any future plans for new material? When could we expect your next release?

Chris: I've actually been writing a ton since I've been back in the States. We don't have any dates set for a new record as of now.. but we are planning on releasing a cover of Shania Twain's Man, I Feel Like A Woman this Summer.

Do you guys have any plans to make it overseas yet or are you focused on other things at the moment?

Chris: I would absolutely love to tour overseas and we've actually discussed the possibility a time or two. However, we've decided our main priority is getting back out to see all of our friends and fans across the US.

It's good to see that you guys have come this far without a record label. Do you plan on keeping it this way?

Chris: Although we're not opposed to the idea of partnering with a label at some point, we definitely like being an independent band. We're not too concerned about it either way. We're just four dudes that love to play music. We try not to make it much more complicated than that.

I've gotta say the song you guys dedicated to Jessica Alba was gold, and I was confident she'd reply! Whose idea was it? Have you guys also been playing the song at shows?

Chris: I thought she'd reply too! Turns out I lost the bet and now I'll never love again. We played a full-band version of Dear Jessica Alba at our first show back a couple weeks ago. We try not to pass up on opportunities to humiliate ourselves!

What's the scene like in your neck of the woods? I know you guys are good friends with Facts Of Life and Falling With Style.

Chris: The scene here has changed a whole bunch over the past couple years. Back in the early 2000's, Indianapolis had a pretty legendary hardcore scene with Haste The Day and Gwen Stacy breaking within a couple years of each other. It's crazy to think how different things are now from when I first started going to shows. It's awesome to have new blood like Facts Of Life and Falling With Style working hard to write good music and promote shows. Additionally, bands like News From Verona, Rumor Has It, Forevermore, Don't Call It A Comeback, and This Is Me have been huge players in keeping things alive and well. There are very few in the scene here and I am stoked to see what the future has in store!

Thanks for your time, we really appreciate it. Anything else you'd like to say to your fans?

Chris: Thanks so much for the support! Keep fighting the good fight by going to shows and supporting local music!
