
Exclusive: Life On The Sideline EP announcement, music video premiere

Since releasing Honesty Is A Dying Breed two years ago, Life On The Sideline has remained active on the road and is now ready to unveil its upcoming EP, Never Settle. To kick things off, we're premiering the music video for the band's new single, "Echo", which tells the sad story of a young girl reminiscing times spent with her deceased partner. While not a pop punk song per se, it's as catchy as one with an infectious chorus that you'll inevitably get stuck in your head. The band's sound could be compared to that of Transit's and The Early November's. Fans can pre-order the EP on iTunes and CD here, before it's released on June 7th. […]

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Exclusive: In Her Own Words Interview

In Her Own Words, awesome lovers of ours and well-renowned instrument-players in the scene. A few days off schedule, but here's an interview I recently conducted with Laxon. I basically tried to cover most questions fans might've had for them, from finding a new vocalist to working with Bert from Chunk! No, Captain Chunk! Keep an eye out for their upcoming Premature EjaculaTOUR with Carson. I heard it was named after Omar.

Since parting ways with your old vocalist, late last year, you guys have been looking for a replacement - how's the search going? Have you had many auditions?

Laxon: As of right now, the auditions... aren't looking too good haha, we've had a quite a handful of auditions, but what we're looking for is very specific. It's going to be a while before we find someone.

I know you guys have been writing new material lately - has the music been mainly instrumental or has Laxon been filling in?

Laxon: I've always been the one writing all the vocal melodies and lyrics, but as of right now I've been demoing out the vocals as well.

For a young band yourselves, I think your sound has become quite iconic and influenced many younger bands - are you guys planning on keeping that sound in the new material?

Laxon: I'm super stoked you think that, that's a huge compliment and one I don't think we deserve haha, but nevertheless I am grateful. As of write now, I'd say most of the material is a lot faster and rawer, but still maintaining all the elements on Brand New Me. But it'll be a while till anything is released, so it's possible we even scrap all the material that we have right now and start on something new.

How would you describe your sound to someone who's never listened to any of your songs?

Laxon: Definitely not an ADTR rip-off haha! That seems to be the way everyone sums up our sound. In my opinion, we're not even a Pop Punk band. I think we sound more like a Pop Rock/Alternative band that you can tell listens to a lot of Pop Punk and whatever the fuck genre that you want to put here that's heavy and a little techy.

How many new songs would you say you have since Brand New Me? Are you guys aiming for another EP or a full-length this time?

Laxon: We have 1 complete song, about 3 almost done songs, and an arsenal of barely started half songs and/or riffs haha. We're shooting to do a full-length this time around, but it'll be a while, we wanna tour, promote, get Brand New Me in as many hands as possible, and maybe even get signed before we release an LP.

What plans do you guys have for this year? Can we expect a release, tour, anything else?

Laxon: April we're doing a little 2 week tour through the western half of the US and then doing a lot of touring in the Summer. Yay Texas!
We've been talking about doing a split with our Worthwhile buds, but that's not 100% confirmed, just an idea we've been talking about.

I think you already told me the story, but for everyone else, where does the name In Her Own Words come from, and who thought of it?

Laxon: Alright! Well, we had a band, we needed a name, I was taking a dump, looked down in a magazine, it said In Her Own Words, I thought why not? Now the story's on the Internet for everyone to read. Good shit.

What was it like having Chunk! No, Captain Chunk!'s Bert mix and master Brand New Me all the way from France? Any possibility of working with him/them again?

Laxon: It was sort of surrealish? We've loved Chunk since you guys put up the Captain Blood teaser on the blog and to actually have Bert work on our EP was a real treat for us. I'm pretty sure we're going to him for all our preproduction and maybe possibly our next self-release. Thanks Berticus.

It almost seems like you guys have more connections overseas! - how would you describe being part of the, Japanese record label, ICE GRILL$ family?

SLaxon: hit yeah! It's amazing! We can again thank Chunk for helping us get on the label. IG have been very supportive and very hands on with us. They have such great taste in music and is a definitely a label that knows what they're doing. Being a part of IG has given us a lot of opportunities for exposing our band, distributing our music to people we thought would never hear it, and most importantly... TOUR! Which you will be hearing about in the next upcoming months.

Laxon, what or who are your biggest influences when writing songs for the band?

Laxon: Damn, there's so many things to name. Like most bands that are around today, I write about personal experiences, mostly pertaining to my life or very close friends of mine. Musically, I listen to either a lot of radio music or heavy stuff to state it simply haha.

Gun to your head - what are your all-time, top 5, favourite albums or artists?

Laxon: Wow. This is super hard. In no specific order.
1. Brand New Eyes - Paramore
2. Untitled - blink-182
3. Rebuild - Verse
4. Underdog Alma Mater - Forever The Sickest Kids
5. All Of The Above - Structures

I'm just glad you referred to it as untitled!

Who would be your dream bands to tour with, and if given the chance, what country would you like to visit?

Laxon: This one's pretty easy.
Blink, Chunk, Worthwhile, Paramore, Mac Miller, IHOW and reform Have Heart, put them on the tour, haha.

In a nutshell, how would you summarise In Her Own Words' message? What do you guys hope to convey to your listeners?

Laxon: I speak for everyone in the band when I say that I don't think we've ever really had a specific message that we want to convey, but we've always felt that it's important as a band and as people in general to keep your feet on the ground and never forget the initial reason you're pursuing whatever it is you're pursuing.

Would you like to add anything else?

Laxon: Haha kind of ties in with the last question, but thank you anyone and everyone that's ever supported our music or anyone in IHOW in general. We've still got a long way till we get to where we want to be, but we would've never gotten to where we are without everyone that's helped us out. I love Mario and I love you.
