
Exclusive: Life On The Sideline EP announcement, music video premiere

Since releasing Honesty Is A Dying Breed two years ago, Life On The Sideline has remained active on the road and is now ready to unveil its upcoming EP, Never Settle. To kick things off, we're premiering the music video for the band's new single, "Echo", which tells the sad story of a young girl reminiscing times spent with her deceased partner. While not a pop punk song per se, it's as catchy as one with an infectious chorus that you'll inevitably get stuck in your head. The band's sound could be compared to that of Transit's and The Early November's. Fans can pre-order the EP on iTunes and CD here, before it's released on June 7th. […]

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Review: So Many Ways - "So Many Ways" EP

Release InfoSo Many Ways- So Many Ways EP
Release Date: April 1, 2011
Buy: Big Cartel

So Many Ways, is a Pop Punk / Hardcore band out of Chicago, Illinois, and will be releasing their self titled EP tomorrow. Why listen to So Many Ways? What sets them apart from all the other bands playing this style of music? Simple... So Many Ways breaks the mold that the average Pop Punk / Hardcore band falls into.

Mario and I both agree that while So Many Ways get lumped as a Pop Punk / Hardcore band or even an Easycore band, their self titled EP proves the band goes above and beyond any single genre influence with their newest batch of songs. Throughout the 7 song EP it is easy to recognize reoccurring examples of Punk, Hardcore, Thrash and Metal influence.

Track after track So Many Ways bring the energy. With this EP you get melodic, heavy and fast parts mixed with riffs and screams, accompanied by ample opportunities for sing a longs and plenty of pile-ons. This record made me mosh my bedroom to pieces for 20 minutes, but unfortunately left me wanting to stop what I was doing, give up on work for a few weeks drive to Chicago and see the carnage unfold in person. One of my favorite things about this EP is that the energy relays itself from the speakers to the listener, I found it difficult to sit still for more than a few seconds at a time.

You do not need to know much about the band to realize they have fun doing what they do. The guys of So Many Ways have clearly shown they can directly incorporate their influences into their own work, creating a completely unique EP. In fact show me a band that sounds like this and I will eat my words. Is it good? Indeed. Should you listen to it? Of course. Is it worth buying? Undeniably so.

Check out So Many Ways’ self titled EP as it releases tomorrow, April 1st (no joke).
