Worthwhile is one of the most talented bands in the local Pop Punk/Hardcore scene, and with 2 solid releases under their belts, the band is now working on their upcoming full-length. In this interview we discuss what it's like for the members to work with each other across multiple states, how the new record is shaping up, and what the band has planned for the future, check it out!
Firstly, can you introduce yourself?
Worthwhile: Everyone pitched in on this one. James - Vocals, Luke - Drums, Tre - Guitar, and Austin - Bass.
You guys have been keeping fairly low since the release of your EP [Not Fixed But Found] last October, mostly playing shows with some new merch out. However, you've been writing your new full-length album - how's this coming along? Is it too early to tell when it might be out?
Worthwhile: It has been a pretty slow writing process, but we are about 70% done with the album. We haven't been more excited and juiced about the music we are writing right now. We are taking our time and putting a lot of thought into every aspect of this full-length, because we want to put out something that we can be proud of because we put all our hearts into it. We are hoping to record it and release it by Jesus' birthday 2011.
Do you guys have any other plans in-store for the remainder of the year?
Worthwhile: We want to tour a little this upcoming winter break and play some cities we haven't played yet in and around California up until then. But putting out this full-length is our main goal right now. We are also opening up a venue called Dakine Studios in Pleasanton, CA. We are trying to help out touring and local bands. July 1st is the first show to break it in so come out if you are in the area.
Miracle Me is a classic loved by many in the Pop Punk/Hardcore scene, and Not Fixed But Found was a worthy follow-up. I understand you guys are going for more of a Melodic Hardcore sound with the new album - can you elaborate on this?
Worthwhile: Everyone in the band loves Melodic Hardcore and we love writing music together so we thought we would put 2 and 2 together and write a Melodic Hardcore album. For us, Hardcore has a lot of depth, energy, and emotion in the music and at the shows, so we are really excited to put all our effort and emotion into this album and into playing it live. Our latest EP Not Fixed But Found was all over the place with its sound, which shows what we love to play which is all over the spectrum. You can expect the song Unlovable off of NFBF to be down the alley of what we are working on right now. But we are totally planning on expanding our sound found in some of our other songs like Sixes to Sevens and Recover after we are finished with this full-length.
What were the biggest differences between writing and recording your first two releases? Have you taken a similar approach this time around?
Worthwhile: Our first album Miracle Me we were still trying to find our sound. We wrote and recorded that album within the first 3 months of jamming with each other, which we still don't know how we did that.. Sam Pura at Panda Studios is one of the greatest men to ever walk this planet, so big thanks to him for working with us. We were definitely more prepared going into Panda Studio for our second release Not Fixed But Found. We all wrote MM and NFBF together at our house, because we all lived 5 minutes from each other. This new full-length is a little different writing approach for us. We are all split up over the SF Bay Area, Los Angeles, and Hawaii. It is a lot of sending riffs back and forth and talking through the album over Skype. It is definitely a challenge, but it is coming together. And Tre is hopefully recording guitar in the new album unlike the first two releases, but only if he passes the Sam Pura Test this time around.
The lyrics across both records are very powerful and deep, tapping into themes such as your relationship with Jesus, family, and general positiveness. What're your main influences when writing songs?
James: My relationship with Christ is central and affects how I write all of my lyrics. What Jesus did for me on the cross has given me a new life and has reshaped the way I see life. As weird as it sounds, Jesus' death has given me reason to have real hope for this world. So us as a band try and show this good news to others through our lyrics and through the way we live our lives. It is so much easier to tear down and to hate than to build up and do something good, so we are trying to keep everything we put out positive to encourage others to do something positive.
Having been a back-up vocalist and one of two guitarists, how much did Pat's departure affect the band?
Worthwhile: If he is reading this, it was super rough... if he isn't then next question... just kidding! Pat is such an awesome and creative musician and wrote a lot for Worthwhile. His departure was definitely a bummer, and now all of us have to pick up the slack. Pat is such a great kid and friend and we hope the best for him in all his music projects.
You recently announced that Daniel Gilmore had joined the band as a new guitarist. Had he been playing shows with you as a fill-in or was this something recent?
Worthwhile: No one knows who he is and we think James made him up.
James: We (I) are so stoked to have met Daniel. He has been a great player in this writing process for the new album. He is so juiced to write the sound we are going for and knows what he is doing. He is such a solid guitarist and such an awesome dude, so we couldn't be happier with our new member.
You guys are still quite young so I'm curious if there any other drawbacks such as school or work that sometimes keep you from being more involved in the band? How tough is it living in different states/cities?
Worthwhile: It sucks. There are so many drawbacks, but the biggest one is that we don't get to play anywhere near as many shows as we want to play. We want to be able to tour and hit places we have never played before, but school is running our lives right now. And it sucks because we are all best friends and we live so far away.
What music have you been listening to lately? Do you have any recommendations?
Worthwhile: Lately we have been listening to Thrice and are blown away at how amazing they are musically and lyrically, so check them out and listen to the lyrics. Touche Amore, just saw them for the first time at the Gilman and they were amazing. The Story So Far for sure, listen to their new album that just dropped cause it's the best Pop Punk album of the century! Defeater is just perfect exactly how they are. The Dangerous Summer, which we are really looking forward to their new album that is coming out soon. And we recommend More Than Life, Caravels, Balance And Composure, Title Fight, Taylor Swift, and Transit.
A while ago I heard some brief talk of a possible split with your/our buddies in the band In Her Own Words - is this still something that may go ahead someday?
Worthwhile: Go listen to those guys right now! We love those kids so much. We definitely want to make a split with IHOW so be expecting one after this full-length comes out and we return to a more Pop Punk sound.
Would you like to add anything else?
Worthwhile: A big thank you to everyone!
Exclusive: Life On The Sideline EP announcement, music video premiere
Since releasing Honesty Is A Dying Breed two years ago, Life On The Sideline has remained active on the road and is now ready to unveil its upcoming EP, Never Settle. To kick things off, we're premiering the music video for the band's new single, "Echo", which tells the sad story of a young girl reminiscing times spent with her deceased partner. While not a pop punk song per se, it's as catchy as one with an infectious chorus that you'll inevitably get stuck in your head. The band's sound could be compared to that of Transit's and The Early November's. Fans can pre-order the EP on iTunes and CD here, before it's released on June 7th. […]
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Exclusive: Worthwhile Interview
Tags: * Worthwhile, ^Mario Parra (I), |California, Exclusive, Interview, News