In no specific order, we're happy to bring you Dan Lambton's (Real Friends vocalist) top 10 albums of the past year. Click the Read More… link to view the list.
![]() This album. Fuck. I don't think I can describe how much I love this album. I don't know what it is, but I was hooked as soon as I listened to it. To me, it's one of those albums where you legitimately believe that they were stalking you while they wrote it. |
![]() I feel like Pendulum Swings is just one big "fuck you and fuck me too". So straight to the point. I'll be the first to say that there aren't a lot of Hardcore bands I listen to, but this album is ridiculous. And I don't even think it breaks 20 minutes. |
![]() Everything comes together so well with this album. The lyrics compliment the feel of each song amazingly along with the overall theme of the album. I don't think they could've done this album better. They have a great thing going for them, no doubt about that. Very excited for them. |
![]() The first thing that caught my attention while hearing this record for the first time were the lyrics and Joe's emphasis in his singing. Most songs on this record don't break three minutes also, which I think is a great thing. It leaves you wanting more, and I would rather hear sick two minute songs than a five minute song with two minutes that are awesome with the rest being filler. I'm so stoked to hear more from this band. |
![]() The progress this band has made musically is ridiculous. Every album stands out from the others musically, and I think this is their best album yet (though I'm sure some people would disagree with me, and I'll think they're idiots). Every song stands out, if there is one album that was released this year that's outside of the box, this is it. |
![]() I feel like I've waited for this album for what seems like forever. Such Gold is such a tight and talented band it's insane. I appreciate how they've been able to stick to a sound somewhat similar to that of Pedestals but still keep everything fresh and with a new spin since then. |
![]() ETID is another band that always pushes the envelope. Always trying something new. Always giving that extra push. Such an innovative band, but definitely more in the abstract/"I never would have thought of doing that" kind of way (not that there's anything wrong with that). |
![]() I don't know how Kenny Vasoli does it. First TSL, then Person L and now Vacationer. How this dude is able to shift styles with every band he's in in the way he does is very inspiring. Super chill album, definitely a good one for all the sconers out there with their chronner cages. |
![]() I have a lot of respect for Last Call for being independent and DIY for so long and being able to bounce back and put out this record after getting boned by Mightier Than Sword. I feel more connected to this album and its angst, frustration and overall emotion knowing how much time, pain and broken promises have gone into making it. Support this fucking band. |
![]() I feel like a lot of bands are able to put out amazing work even without the support of a record label. Despite whatever bullshit is going on between Pentimento and Panic, this record still rules. I rarely see bands with such a sense of dynamics as these guys. And live, holy shit. It sounds just like the record. You don't come across many bands like Pentimento, they are definitely worth your time. |