Night Owls is a Connecticut-based melodic hardcore band. Their latest effort is a 2-song EP, titled Wounds Again – a follow-up to their 2012 debut EP, Dearly. This time around Night Owls seem to have abandoned the heavier, more aggressive instrumentals that were on the debut effort in exchange for a more atmospheric sound. While this change doesn’t completely change the band’s sound by any stretch, it is definitely the biggest reason why Wounds Again is so memorable and well-crafted.
Opening track Scars is a slow burning build-up of a song. This song is definitely the most similar to Dearly of the two, and as such it benefits from being the first track on the new EP. It does a good job of bridging the musical gap between their two releases, showing that Night Owls is a band willing to try new things yet still retain some of the stronger elements of their old sound. The powerful screamed vocals are just as grating and powerful as they have been on their debut, while the bass really shines on this track, which was not as prominent on Dearly.
Timothy, however, is the more memorable of the two tracks for it’s more engrossing atmosphere, relatable and more articulate vocals, and musical direction. Instrumentally, Night Owls really channelled their inner American Football on this track, especially during the first thirty seconds. In the vocal department however, the screamed and yelled styles come as a large contrast to the music. The roughness of the vocals and lyrics are a great compliment to the less aggressive musical style.
Wounds Again seems to have a very specific purpose. It sends the message that Night Owls are willing to evolve and not be pigeon-holed as a one-trick-pony, however it also reassures us that they still know who they are, and will not abandon what made them great in the past. Wounds Again serves its purpose and then some because the songs they’ve made are the best material they’ve made as a band.
1. Scars
2. Timothy
Written by Marc Saggese