I’ve had to review two Firestarter releases over the past year, those being the New Beginnings EP and its companion EP, Rooftop Acoustic Songs. While those were solid and consistent releases, I didn’t always have the nicest things to say about them. It makes me proud to see the growth Firestarter has made as a band in their most recent split EP with Old Again. While a third release is a point in a band's career where things may begin to stagnate, Firestarter have done the complete opposite and put on display the most confidence I’ve sensed in all of their music.
From the first second of the album it’s easy to tell that Albany’s Firestarter are confident and comfortable in their sound, but before I go on about how good Firstarter’s side is, it should be noted that there’s not really anything new about the band or how they sound. The big choruses and bouncy rhythms are still at the foundation of Firestarter, but on their most recent release that foundation is just so much more prevalent and commanding. "Memories" is about as unrelenting and explosive as this strain of sincere yet fun pop punk can be. Additionally, "This Is How" takes the prize for best Firestarter chorus bar-none, and easily reminds of early Wonder Years material.
But, the best part about this split EP is that both sides are equally as strong. What Firestarter has brought to the table in terms of explosiveness, confidence and growth, Old Again has matched with depth and songwriting. Side B begins with Old Again’s "No Touching", which in the final minute slows from a fast-paced punk song to the climactic chant of “I never asked you to believe in me”, complete with background screams echoing the lines. Old Again’s second song "Roswell Mill Rapids" strikes the same emotional chord with the way it breaks down about halfway through and ushers in an almost ambient backdrop behind the vocals. The song eventually explodes into what is surely the EP’s high point.
It warms the heart to see a band come into its own and put out songs as strong as "Memories" and "This Is How" as Firestarter have. Equally as satisfying is seeing the band on the other side of the split do just as well. This EP packs everything great about pop punk music into about twelve minutes. There’s not much more to it than that. Enjoy.
1. Memories
2. This Is How
Old Again
3. No Touching
4. Roswell Mill Rapids
RIYL: The Wonder Years, Real Friends, Neck Deep
Written by Marc Saggese
Old Again