On Call Heroes’ newest release, I’m An Adult, just falls short. Many of the songs blend together, most following similar variations of the standard verse-chorus-verse-chorus-bridge-chorus songform. Much of the lyricism revolves around the aspect of relationships, drinking, and growing older, which are all typical themes for pop punk bands, but many from this record are slightly too cheesy to be taken seriously. Case in point, the entirety of “Brotherhood, Part 2” revolves around having good friends from all over, but lyrics such as “Home is where the heart is and I’ve got homes all over the world” and “I’ve got bros in different area codes”, get the point across, but are quite basic and unimaginative.
Although all the instrumental sections seem to blend together towards the end of the album, every instrument is pretty much on its game and the recordings are very tight sounding as a group. The vocals are the instrument that really seems to suffer the most, often drifting off-key and seeming less powerful than originally anticipated. Most of the harmonies are fine, but none stick out as being exceptional melodically. The most engaging vocal section on the entire record is the opening gang vocal chorus on the tune “Drunk Again”, which practically demands the audience to join in singing along.
The best song on the record is certainly “It’s Because I Got Fat, Isn’t It?”, which has the most interesting guitar riffs, successful lyric phrasing, well-crafted drum beats, and the catchiest chorus out of the entire EP. The lyrics actually have a bit of punch and bite to them, producing an actual emotional response from the listener. Not to mention, the title of the song is interesting itself, engaging its audience and providing a story before the song even starts. Gold stars here, boys.
Honestly, I really wanted to love this EP - it’s extremely fun and I feel it would be a true pleasure to see the guys in On Call Heroes live, but there was just too much holding it back from becoming a classic on my iPod. I genuinely feel that if the gents in On Call Heroes stick to their guns and keep pumping out the jams, they can, and will, release something truly special in the future. In the meantime, have fun with I’m An Adult, just don’t expect too much from it.
1. I'm An Adult
2. Another Sad Story (Feat. Joël Cossette)
3. It's Because I Got Fat, Isn't It?
4. I Didn't Mean To Call You Again
5. Drunk Again
6. Brotherhood, Part 2
RIYL: Pop punk, Transit, The Wonder Years, blink-182
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