Guts’ Matches Malone makes me feel like it’s officially summer. Maybe it’s because they remind me of Kids Can’t Fly without a horn section. Maybe it’s because everything about the record from its casual drinking with friends artwork, to its vague Batman reference title are perfectly executed. Whichever it be, this surely is EP meant to be played loudly and in the presence of friends this summer.
The record is gruff, fast, and all too short. It starts with the pop punk anthem “House Of Cards”, which features one hell of a catchy chorus mixed with blink-182-styled riffs and octave guitar parts. Lyrically, there’s nothing life-changing, but every word is still ingrained in my mind, especially the bridge, which will no doubt be sung back into the faces of the members of Guts with feeling.
“I Left My Cape At Home” and title track “Matches Malone” comprise the middle section of the four-song EP. Both songs are fast and relatively short jams that focus more on song lyrics and meaning. The dual vocals on “I Left My Cape At Home” are welcomed with open arms as both voices are uniquely different, but equally engaging in the song.
“Matches Malone” features some of the tighter musical sections, but also some of the less-polished parts; most notably, the bridge section contains the flaw where occasionally the words and music feel slightly off tempo because of the large amount of musical activity going on behind them. What I find to be the overall theme of the entire EP is displayed in this song, and rightfully so. The lyrics “I’m not a bad person; I just need some help remembering how I got here” ring true and will resonate with fans.
“Boxcutter” has the “this is the end of the record” riff and feel to it and almost immediately this becomes apparent. Like the previous three tunes, this is a fast-paced hook-fest featuring relatable themes that are not sugar-coated lyrically or hidden behind obscure references or analogies.
This EP really brought a smile to my face since it’s the first music of the year for me that has made me feel like summer is finally here. There’s nothing life-changing or life-altering to find here; it’s just a record that is easily remembered and can be sung along to, while not being overly introspective, yet still relatable. Most importantly, it’s fun to listen to, and that’s what music really should be about.
1. House Of Cards
2. I Left My Cape At Home
3. Matches Malone
4. Boxcutter
RIYL: Kids Can't Fly, With The Punches, The Wonder Years
More reviews by Josh Jurss