New album is done – how does it feel to say that you have a fourth full-length record coming out?

It’s crazy, like I say on stage “I never thought we’d come as far as we have” And to be saying that we’re putting out our fourth record, our second with Epitaph Records, which is the coolest record label ever, it’s a trip – I’ve always this, but I never thought it would pan out. I dunno, I’m just taking it day by day.

How does this one similar to your past records, but how is it different?

I think with our sound that it’s evolving a little bit, but still staying a Ghost Inside record. I think it’s a natural progression from Get What You Give to the new one, I don’t think it’s anything that anyone’s gonna hear and be like “Woah, this is weird”. There’s still really heavy and fast stuff – believe it or not, there’s a lot more melodic stuff which is cool, because we made sure to make it a point to make sure we had a lot more melody in this one, as far as instrumentation is concerned. There’s a lot of hard hitting stuff, not necessarily super heavy, but really hard hitting – and that’s kind of what we wanted to do with this record, showing that we do what we do, and we have a good time doing it.

As a whole, what does this album look like lyrically?

Lyrically, it’s about the fact that I’m getting a little older now, and it’s about the opportunities that you have when you’re younger. When you first start getting into adulthood, you have so many open doors and so many opportunities and so many places to go and things to do – literally, the world is whatever you want it to be. For a while, I felt like I was stuck in this bubble where I was just only had this one path and this one decision to make, and I can only go this one way. It’s about remembering that as a human, I am boundless and I can do whatever I want to do – just because I’m getting older, doesn’t mean that those doors can’t open again.

Jeremy McKinnon (A Day To Remember) was in the studio with you guys again. What was it like having him back, and how did he push you guys to make the best record you could?

Jeremy’s great, he’s obviously a very talented and very good songwriter. When it comes time to show him the finished product, he always has these cool ideas. He just brings this stuff out of us that we never knew that we could do on our own, you know? He takes something that we have that we’re proud of and brings the best elements out of it.

Is there something on this record that you guys tried that you haven’t on past records? I know you did clean vocals on “Engine 45” on Get What You Give.

Well there’s a song on the record that’s a slower song - I don’t want to say a ballad, but for us it’s a ballad song. It’s got a little bit of strings, violin and stuff. It’s triumphant sounding, and it’s kind of a break in the album. It’s something that’s definitely different for us, but still in the same style of us – you’ll hear it and know it’s a Ghost Inside song.

Let’s talk about guest vocalists – are there any on the record?

Yes. Jason Butler from letlive. is on the record, and that’s actually it. We didn’t really have time to get too many guest vocals because we were touring so much and we were writing and recording in-between touring, and it was a really long process and it was really hard to get the finished product together. So yeah, Jason’s on it…