
Exclusive: Life On The Sideline EP announcement, music video premiere

Since releasing Honesty Is A Dying Breed two years ago, Life On The Sideline has remained active on the road and is now ready to unveil its upcoming EP, Never Settle. To kick things off, we're premiering the music video for the band's new single, "Echo", which tells the sad story of a young girl reminiscing times spent with her deceased partner. While not a pop punk song per se, it's as catchy as one with an infectious chorus that you'll inevitably get stuck in your head. The band's sound could be compared to that of Transit's and The Early November's. Fans can pre-order the EP on iTunes and CD here, before it's released on June 7th. […]

Friday, July 1, 2011

Review: Second Time Around - "Just Sayin'..." EP

Release InfoSecond Time Around - Just Sayin'... EP
Release Date: May 6, 2011
Buy: Bandcamp

Once again I find myself writing up a review for a band I feel most of you have probably never heard of, and to be honest, I don't mind it at all. Second Time Around are a Pop Punk band based out of Cleveland, Ohio.

Most of you probably missed it, but Second Time Around released their debut EP "Just Sayin'..." on May 6th via their Bandcamp page. "Just Sayin'..." plays five songs in just under 20 minutes and will undoubtedly leave you with the feeling that the EP is bottom heavy. While the first two songs are fine they just don't hold a candle to the second half of the EP. It is easy to tell that Second Time Around ordered the tracks with the best ones at the end of the EP. So if you begin to feel bored in the first few minutes, trust me when I tell you, gutting this one out will definitely be worth it.

As I was saying, the second half of "Just Sayin'..." easily sticks out. The songs "Homegrown", "Gio Is In Fact Colorblind" and "Better Off This Way" end the EP in a way I feel would be very appealing to the run of the mill visitor of the Easycore blog. The final three tracks showcase a solid mix of traditional Pop Punk with the newer Easycore styling, fitting in screams and gang vocals with Pop Punk style breakdowns and wholesome summertime Pop Punk.

Perhaps Second Time Around didn't nail it with their debut EP "Just Sayin'...", but when this band gets some more song writing experience and gets a full summer of shows under their belts, they could easily make a splash in the Midwest Pop Punk Scene. Without a doubt the best thing Second Time Around brings to the table with "Just Sayin'..." is POTENTIAL.

Remember Second Time Around's debut EP "Just Sayin'..." is currently available for digital download on their Bandcamp page for only $5.
